Snacks are small portions of food eaten between main meals that help maintain energy levels and satisfy hunger. While snacking can be part of a healthy diet, choosing the right snacks and timing them properly makes all the difference in supporting your overall health and wellness.

When selecting healthy snacks, focus on nutrient-dense options that combine protein, fiber, and healthy fats. Great choices include: 

  • Apple slices with almond butter
  • Baby carrots with hummus
  • A small handful of mixed nuts
  • Greek yogurt with berries and nuts

For late-night snacking, special consideration is needed as your metabolism naturally slows down. Choose options that are:


  • Light and easily digestible
  • Low in sugar and caffeine
  • Rich in proteins or complex carbs
  • Portion-controlled

Avoid heavy, greasy, or overly sugary snacks before bed, as these can disrupt sleep patterns and digestion. Instead, opt for calming choices like:


  • A small bowl of whole-grain cereal with milk
  • A banana with a small piece of cheese
  • A handful of pumpkin seeds
  • Chamomile tea with a few whole-grain crackers

Remember: timing and portion control are just as important as the snacks you choose. Try to keep late-night snacks under 200 calories and eat them at least an hour before bedtime.

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